A few weeks ago there happened to be a Friday where Me, Steven and Rebecca all had the day off. So randomly we decided to be adventurous and hike Timp. I have never hiked Timpanogos so I was all for it. We decided to hike it from the Aspen Grove side instead of from the Timpanoke side which neither of us had ever done before. With a plan all set we woke up early Friday morning to get the hike started. Snacks were packed, water bottles were filled, and IPods were playing. The weather was absolutely perfect for hiking and the fall scenery was awesome. As we began our hike we were pumped and ready to go. We were having a grand old time chatting about life, joking with each other, and apparently paying no attention to our surroundings. About a half hour into our hike we came around the corner of the mountain and just paused and stared at what was in front of us. Just shortly off in the distance was a water fall. Yes, a waterfall! We had got on the wrong trail and were about 500ft from Stewart falls. Seriously! We all just looked at each other thinking “you have got to be kidding.”We contemplated for about ten minutes of what we were going to do. Do we hike down to the falls and enjoy our packed lunches? Or do we immediately turn around hike back and get on the right trail? Still motivated, we decided to go with the second option so we turned our butts around and began hiking back. This was no set back the plan was still in place, for about ten minutes. Then I confessed to Steven and Bex that I was no longer motivated to hike Timp. We no longer had the time we needed to hike Timp so we just hiked back and went home. So we never really made it to Stewart falls or timp. Maybe we ended up somewhere in the middle I don’t know. It was a nice attempt on our part and we had fun anyways so it was a good day. Maybe next year we’ll make it to timp!
(Friday Morning pumped and excited to go)
(Capturing the Memories!)