Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today is my Birthday and this is me 21 years ago.
But… I am one lucky girl. I didn’t come alone. I got to come with my best friend!
21 things I love about linds:
1)       She squeals’ at a very high pitch when she laughs. Me and her actually share this trait in common but it sounds 10x funnier coming from her.
2)      Raspberry’s are possibly her most favorite fruit on this entire planet
3)      Her whole entire hand participates in using the turning signal
4)      PF changes is her favorite restaurant
5)      She is all about teeth and is going to make the best and cutest dental hygienist ever
6)      Possibly, the most gullible person I have ever met in my entire life
7)      She gets what’s going on in my head
8)      She gives the Best presents
9)      She is the queen of funny faces, especially the fish face
10)       She loves fireworks
11)      She can shake her eyeballs, it’s kind of cool and kind of freaky
12)      She is not a picky eater at all but you will never catch her eating mash potatoes or green beans (possibly the only two food items she doesn’t like)
13)      She hates elevators and will always take the stairs
14)      She a service girl and has been able to participate in some pretty cool services mission’s which have taken her to Ecuador and Thailand.
15)      She is a very optimistic person which is a good balance for us because I am just the opposite
16)      Yes we have switched places and she failed my history test and I re-payed her by taking her English college placement test.
17)      We get to laugh together at all the “dumb” twin questions we get
18)       She is a dark chocolate fan
19)      She gives the best advice and has always been there for me
20)      She is my best friend
21)      Today she is 21. Happy Birthday Linds! I sure do love you!

Life is all about how you handle plan B

Okay, here is my secret: My life has been one unpredictable story being titled with tears, laughter, new plans, dreams, unexpected surprises, accomplishments, and disappointments. Yes, I know life is not perfect nor will mine ever be but sometimes I just wish I knew what was around the next corner. I guess that sense of preparedness would kind of be a nice factor. But then again a sense of adventure never hurt anybody either. So, this blog will share my adventures as I make sense of my life, become my own best friend by exploring new opportunities, trying new things and discovering myself. Life is a constant unexpected plan that likes to change frequently so this is me handling plan B with everything it has to offer! Enjoy reading. This is me, all me in a nutt shell.