Sunday, July 15, 2012

The muddiest fun on earth

My weekend was adventurous! Take a look at how I spent my Saturday morning.


Runner cross 5K Mud Run! This 5K was a BLAST and all about FUN!

This is what a Mud Run is all about....

A thrilling offroad footrace held on a super sweet multi-loop track infused with eye popping obstacles , mud, water, and super fun twists and turns.

Before the run. Acting tough, ready to get muddy and tackle that course behind us!

Our Obstacles included:

A Stall Wall
Log Bog
Steeple Jump
Mud crawl
Mud Fountain
Hang on a hill
Slip N' Slide
Monkey bar cross
Niagra Falls ( basically a mud river) AHHH!

This was a three loop obstacle course. The first round was a blast!

The second lap around was a little intense...I kind of got beat up.

The Slip N' Slide was one of my favorite parts of the course. The first time, I had tons of fun with it. Ran down, slid, and gracefully landed in a mud pool. It was great!

The second time around I had the same idea but I was more on the side of the slip N' slide so halfway down I slid off the slip N' slide and hit the dirt rocky hill and slid down! My left side took a beating! I now have a "dirt hill" rash all over my left bum cheek.

I would show you but that could be awkward. So, I will just point to it and make a really hurtful, sad face.

I wanted to cry! It killed!

Despite this I had an epic time!!

After effects.

We are a bunch of tough mudder's!

After playing in the mud we were all starving so it was necessary that we go to IHOP and carb load!

We went straight from the race to IHOP. People starred. Apparently they dont see "dirty" people!
I was nice and went and washed my face in the bathroom. I'm sure they loved me for that.

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