Wednesday, January 25, 2012

25 days

Do you remember how it was once the first part of January. Well, I do. I am going to be completely honest I made myself a goal for the New Year and it has taken me this long to put it into action. My goal was to become a better, more passionate runner. I used to love running, I actually still do but it sadly has become a low priority in my life. I got to thinking and I kept asking myself why? Why on earth would I put something I love doing aside. I decided I was going to change that this year and my proof is going be right here. Wahoo!! Lets all start love running!! Since I have been slacking I proudly tell you that today was my first run of the year and it has only taken me 25 days (pathetic, I know). Other than the fact that it has taken me this long it was great.
My alarm went off disgustingly at the below time. Is it human to get up this early?? I am girl who LOVES my sleep so to me waking up this early may or may not have been insane.

 However, I did it and it felt great. I am kind of a slow poke right now and I am no where close to my goal but it's a start. I felt accomplished and chipper all day! I love Endorphins!!

On a side note I was spending my day at UVU like I usually do and at the end of my day I walk up a large chunk of staires so me being the person that I am decided to count them. Guess how many staires I walk to get from my last class to the parking lot?? One hundred and fourteen. If that doesn't start doing something to my quads I dont know what will.

PS: Today I went to my favorite place of all time to go grocery shopping. Guess where that happens to be...My mom's pantry
I love it...Best thing Ever!! Thank, mom

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Sunday dinner gone wrong

Today I got home from church and was looking for some good food to eat. Nothing in the cupboard was looking appetizing. Im am sure everyone can relate to this feeling. Then all the sudden everything I didnt have sounded so good. Food items such as:
1. A home cooked meal from my mom (always my #1 choice)
2. Panda express. I have been on this chinese food kick for the past while, Im not sure why...but I wont complain.
3. A cafe rio pork salad
4. simple
After the above list was made I realized within 20 minutes or less I could reach all of these places and be one happy girl. However, since it's sunday, and I dont really have the budget to be spending extra money on food and I was to lazy to leave my warm apt, I decided to once again look through my cupboard of boring food. I stumbled across some chicken and rice and that was just gonna have to do.
I began cooking my chicken then started my rice. My mom about a week ago informed me I could just cook my rice in the microwave. I did this for the first time last week. Yes, Im slow. Anyway it turned out perfect and I was so proud of myself. With that being the case I decided once again to quickly cook my rice in the microwave. Last time I had way to much rice for one person, I felt like an Asian I ate rice everyday that week. So, me being the genius that I am decided to half it. How perfect! The measurments were right the only thing I did wrong was stick half the amount of rice in the microwave for the same amount of time. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Well by the time the timer goes off my rice looks something like this....
Only worse. The top layer looked similar to this but the bottom was just black. Gross, I know.
I was to embarrassed at the time to take a picture so thanks to google images I have the above visual aid. My rice and tupperware container were immediantly taken to the outside trash can. I had my chicken but no rice...BOO! I had no rice due to the fact that my rice became rice crispies....literally. Epic fail!

Monday, January 16, 2012

First day of school and a suprise in my backpack

Well I am back into the swing of things. Things...meaning school! One of these days I actually might get my degree.  In the meantime, I am going to get myself through my crazy 17 credit semester.  I work and go to school. I take my classes on what used to be considered my day "off" so I am one busy girl!

First day of school picture. Yes, i'm a nerd and still insisted on taking one of these. Oh well!
I have offically made it though my first week of the semester. Only a bazillion left to go. My classes are all day Tuesday's and Thursday's and I even got myself into a 3 hour Wed night class. What was I thinking?? I dont think I will ever know. To say me and UVU will become best friends I think is an understatement.
Well, like I said I am at school ALL day. I start and 9am and get home at 4pm. Sheesh. It makes my eek just thinking about it. However, being in classes all day I get hungry! Can you blame me?
But...guess what I found hiding at the bottom of my backpack...

This baby! I never knew a yellow wrapped piece of chocolate would have such an effect on my day.
I found this piece of buttery finger goodness towards the end of my day. In my health class of all places. Finding this gem totally put a smile on my face and got me through the rest of my day. Just kidding, I may be exaggerating just a tad but it was the best suprise ever! My classes really arent to bad and I actually think I am going to enjoy them. For instance look at the title of one of my required readings. I may or may not have laughed out loud.

Dont you love it? How awesome is this title?! I think I might actually enjoy reading one of my textbooks, for once in my college existence.
In my opinon every girl should recieve this book at the age of 13. It could be like our own personal owner's manual to guide us from our teen years until we meet prince chraming. Which for some might be the teens years..but for others ( I wont mention any it might go pass that time frame.
This book could work wonders and possibly even prevent a crap load of unnecessary heart break...Just a thought!
All in all it was a good first week of school.