Sunday, January 22, 2012

A Sunday dinner gone wrong

Today I got home from church and was looking for some good food to eat. Nothing in the cupboard was looking appetizing. Im am sure everyone can relate to this feeling. Then all the sudden everything I didnt have sounded so good. Food items such as:
1. A home cooked meal from my mom (always my #1 choice)
2. Panda express. I have been on this chinese food kick for the past while, Im not sure why...but I wont complain.
3. A cafe rio pork salad
4. simple
After the above list was made I realized within 20 minutes or less I could reach all of these places and be one happy girl. However, since it's sunday, and I dont really have the budget to be spending extra money on food and I was to lazy to leave my warm apt, I decided to once again look through my cupboard of boring food. I stumbled across some chicken and rice and that was just gonna have to do.
I began cooking my chicken then started my rice. My mom about a week ago informed me I could just cook my rice in the microwave. I did this for the first time last week. Yes, Im slow. Anyway it turned out perfect and I was so proud of myself. With that being the case I decided once again to quickly cook my rice in the microwave. Last time I had way to much rice for one person, I felt like an Asian I ate rice everyday that week. So, me being the genius that I am decided to half it. How perfect! The measurments were right the only thing I did wrong was stick half the amount of rice in the microwave for the same amount of time. Stupid, stupid, stupid. Well by the time the timer goes off my rice looks something like this....
Only worse. The top layer looked similar to this but the bottom was just black. Gross, I know.
I was to embarrassed at the time to take a picture so thanks to google images I have the above visual aid. My rice and tupperware container were immediantly taken to the outside trash can. I had my chicken but no rice...BOO! I had no rice due to the fact that my rice became rice crispies....literally. Epic fail!

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