Thursday, March 22, 2012

A gift from Lindsey

A few weeks back I recieved a surprise package from my bestie in Washington. I just want to take a second to give a shout out to Lindsey (Hermana Grimes) my awesome sister. Lindsey has been a huge support to me. Linds encourages me to follow my dreams and not give up, she also has been with me every step of the way through some of my hardest experiences. Even a billion miles away (okay...not really) she is still their for me expressing encouragement, telling me I deserve better, and reminding me every week that I am an amazing and beautiful sister! Gosh...I love her! She reminds me that I am important and those who's actions express otherwise should be shot! Ha, those might be my words but still...we get eachother! Linds, has to be the most thoughtful person I know. Lindsey is always thinking of others and wants them to feel extra special. She makes people feel so loved by her actions. One of her favorite things to do for people is give gifts. Here's what came to my doorstep at a time I needed to talk to her the most.

This was the ultimate package for a girl to get over a break up. The package was filled with various items and specific instructions...
I am not even going to try and summarize Lindsey's here it goes. My package included:
1. A box of Tissues- "your allowed to cry and be sad. It's okay, you just got your heart broken but dont let it last to long."
2. A chick flick movie "Watch a chick flick, eat some junk and MOVE ON" 
3. An Eraser " Delete him as a friend on facebook and block him.
4. A chewey granola bar "Dont compare yourself to not having a boyfriend to those around you that do. It's a small fact of life that some friends are going to married before others. You only marry on person so in the end who gives a CRAP at how many boyfriends you have/had or how many dates you went on. What matters is the one boy who you end up with". "Chews Wise."
5. Matches "Get rid of notes and pictures hanging on to them is just re-living the memories. You can move on if your still stuck in the past."
6. A people magazine "Know you have so many People on your side."
7. Peanut M & M's  "Have someone goes to his apartment and kick him where it counts and say YOU KNOW WHY. '' (I think this one is my favorite!!)
8. A package of gummy worms, and coin candies " Give other people a chance. Find yourself some wierdos you need a good laugh and some funny stories. You have to dig before you can find the treasure. Do Some Digging."
9. Jerky "FACT: HE IS A JERK"
10. Nivea chapstick "Prepare you lips for better things to come" :)
11. Shampoo "Wash him right out and let yourself have fun. You Deserve It."

Ta-Da that's it...Isn't she so creative? This totally made my day! How cute is this package?
Lindsey is the best! She is an awesome sister and I have no idea where I would be without her love and support. Also, guess what today is?! Lindsey's half way she has been out 9 months! Wahoo!
Let the countdown begin!


  1. Oh what a sweet sister :) Fun package!

  2. This is so fabulous. Love her advice, especially the one about dating even the weirdos. You might be surprised by what you find. If I can add one piece of advice? This is a time in your life for you! Live it! Get away, go to school someplace new. Meet new people. You're stronger than you think. Don't let someone else determine your happiness. Believe in the power of YOU!!!!!!!!
    My door is always open for you if you need a weekend getaway.;)
