Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Grab a MASK! There is a Mascurade ball.

A few weeks back my apartment complex threw a mascurade ball. So..of course we had to be there! It was way fun!! We actually probably spent more time getting ready for the ball then the time we were actually at the ball. That's okay though. We had a good time! I totally forgot how fun it is to get yourself dolled up! We looked pretty dang good. My friend kortney let me borrow one of her beautiful dresses, rachel did my makeup and it looked awesome seriously (see pics below) and we have the hobby lobby to thank for our beautiful masks. Combine those three things dresses, makeup, masks and what do ya get?
three good looking gals!
Me, and just a few of my awesome roomies!
the whole ensemble! I loved it!!
Getting dolled up is fun and we had a great time dancing around the high tech dance floor aka the gym. I think we had the most fun though at the chocolate fountain. Yes, they had a chocolate fountain! This chocolate fountain included cinnamon bears and do you know what you get when you combine a cinnamon bear and chocolate? Well, yes The obvious answer of a chocolate covered cinnamon bear but did you also know that your getting the best treat ever. Ah, it was my favorite part of the whole evening!!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bored, YES!
Give your hair a protein Treatment. That’s what we did!
We all at one point we have all mixed various food items together and created beauty products. Who would have ever thought this was possible? Or who came up with this bizarre theory?  “Oh my gosh, guys I have this fabulous idea. Let’s open up the fridge and or pantry and whip up together avocado and oatmeal and smash it all over our faces. Only because it will get rid of our acne.”  Ha, HA! Yes, if you think about it these home remedy treatments they are a little crazy, but you really are the crazy person if you have never done one! I promise you a least every girl has had some Young women activity centered around this or have found themselves browsing the internet for the newest homemade hair and facial recipes. Well I am guilty! I have splashed weird ingredients all over my face. Believe or Not! Last Thursday however was my first hair experiment. It’s really simple.  Take an egg, about a ½ cup of hair conditioner, and a cap full of oil. Beat together and rub that slimy “whatever” all over your hair. Let it sit for about 15mins and then be sure to rinse in cold water or the egg will cook. Wha-la you just gave your hair a protein treatment. Ain’t that something!
Here's the proof!
Be careful! It can get a little drippy!

Monday, November 29, 2010

I'm Thankful for

The five days I got to spend at home with this good looking family!!

I love my family and I am grateful for the times that we get to spend together. Life is a little crazy for all of us and let's face it through out the week were spread out from the slopes in park city to utah county and clear down to st george keeping busy and entertained with our own individual lives and responsiblities. So, basically when this clan gets together for the holidays and long breaks it's nothing shy of a blast!
The week consisted of:
A Yummy thanksgiving feast,
A surprise trip to Salt Lake to see this Awesome show,
Radio City's Christmas Spectacular starring the Rockettes!! It was seriously unbelievable! It was a great way to kick off the christmas season.
The rest of the week was spent playing pool, family tournaments of foosball, a trip to the cinemark to see unstoppable, and a few movie nights. The week ended with the whole family decorating the christmas tree and getting our lovely home ready for christmas! It was a fun and relaxing holiday week. Thanks family for everything. The laughs, good times, family jokes and memories! I love you all!! 

Thursday, November 18, 2010

This night cannot go unblogged!

This post is little overdue but my halloween night cannot go unnoticed! Let me explain why. Every year for halloween I dress up as something most would call "cute". Well this year it was about time to switch things up. I ratted my own hair (yes, some people thought it was a wig), wripped up some clothes, got some bloody battle wounds, and perfected the skill of dragging my feet and sloutching. And... tada. I was this beauty all night long!
Now, the night began by visiting the relatives close by. I totally suprised my family. They had no idea I was coming and the best part about this was the fact that when I rang the doorbell they didnt even recognize me! How crazy is that? They thought we were late trick or treaters until I gave it away. I couldnt keep a straight face any longer. Ha Ha it was the best. The rest of our night was awesome, random, and completely unplanned. We drove from place to place visiting friends, caught a couple of dance parties in provo and ended the night at the UVU dance. But the ultimate best part about our costum was the fact that we scared the crap out of people all night long. We got the best reactions! Believe it or not we... starred people down from our car window's (red lights were the best, people freaked), peeped our scary faces into people's apartment window's and followed people giving them the look. One word: Awesome! Hands down it was the best halloween costume I have ever worn and it made for one great halloween night.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My First Ever

Mountain Dew! 

 Yes, Im serious!! Crazy, that it was my first? Yeah, some would most definently think so but, tonight that all changed. Me and alyssa marched over to our good neighbor the "chevron" and purchased me my first ever mountain dew! So today 11/09/10 will mark the day that I tasted my first mountain dew ha ha yes this is wierd but it sure made for a fun and random moment. Thanks Alyssa you were a great witness, spectator and the best company through this whole event.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I was caught

I have a confession to make: I cannont drive SLOW! This is a serious problem of mine that I definently need to try and overcome because it causes me to have some serious road rage. What can I say I am a very inpatient person, especially when I drive. I drive my car to get somewhere not to enjoy the scenery. Well my parents are aware of my bad habit and they always tell me that one day it will come back to bite me in the butt. Well it did! Why are they always right? Tuesday was the day it happened. I was coming home from classes in salt lake and right before my exit I was slammed and in a construction zone. Yikes! Not good! Luckily, the Mr "fake" police man didnt ding me for the construction zone and only wrote it for 9 over. How nice is he? Extremely! Because he clocked me at 80mph in a 55mph zone uh...Ooops! I deserved the ticket. That's all I can say! However what ticked me off was that this certain police man was not driving a cop car. In fact, it was a nissan altima. He must have also forgot to wear his uniform that day as well because that was missing to. He was clothed but he was wearing black dress pants, a black button up shirt with a pink tie. Strange. So... In my defense I was totally caught off guard!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

The tale of the TIMP hike

A few weeks ago there happened to be a Friday where Me, Steven and Rebecca all had the day off. So randomly we decided to be adventurous and hike Timp. I have never hiked Timpanogos so I was all for it. We decided to hike it from the Aspen Grove side instead of from the Timpanoke side which neither of us had ever done before. With a plan all set we woke up early Friday morning to get the hike started. Snacks were packed, water bottles were filled, and IPods were playing. The weather was absolutely perfect for hiking and the fall scenery was awesome. As we began our hike we were pumped and ready to go. We were having a grand old time chatting about life, joking with each other, and apparently paying no attention to our surroundings. About a half hour into our hike we came around the corner of the mountain and just paused and stared at what was in front of us. Just shortly off in the distance was a water fall. Yes, a waterfall! We had got on the wrong trail and were about 500ft from Stewart falls. Seriously! We all just looked at each other thinking “you have got to be kidding.”We contemplated for about ten minutes of what we were going to do. Do we hike down to the falls and enjoy our packed lunches? Or do we immediately turn around hike back and get on the right trail? Still motivated, we decided to go with the second option so we turned our butts around and began hiking back. This was no set back the plan was still in place, for about ten minutes. Then I confessed to Steven and Bex that I was no longer motivated to hike Timp. We no longer had the time we needed to hike Timp so we just hiked back and went home. So we never really made it to Stewart falls or timp. Maybe we ended up somewhere in the middle I don’t know. It was a nice attempt on our part and we had fun anyways so it was a good day. Maybe next year we’ll make it to timp!
(Friday Morning pumped and excited to go) 
(Capturing the Memories!)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Riding S..O..L..O

Last week I went to this concert with two of my roomies. We had a blast! We sang along, danced, and of course threw are hands up in the air. For fifteen dollars a ticket it was a night full of fun entertainment and a chance to get away from the apartment for the evening. So, let’s just say it was well worth it!

Thanks girls for a fun night!
Oh yeah and “Riding Solo” was dedicated just for me by the one and only Jason derulo!  

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Today is my Birthday and this is me 21 years ago.
But… I am one lucky girl. I didn’t come alone. I got to come with my best friend!
21 things I love about linds:
1)       She squeals’ at a very high pitch when she laughs. Me and her actually share this trait in common but it sounds 10x funnier coming from her.
2)      Raspberry’s are possibly her most favorite fruit on this entire planet
3)      Her whole entire hand participates in using the turning signal
4)      PF changes is her favorite restaurant
5)      She is all about teeth and is going to make the best and cutest dental hygienist ever
6)      Possibly, the most gullible person I have ever met in my entire life
7)      She gets what’s going on in my head
8)      She gives the Best presents
9)      She is the queen of funny faces, especially the fish face
10)       She loves fireworks
11)      She can shake her eyeballs, it’s kind of cool and kind of freaky
12)      She is not a picky eater at all but you will never catch her eating mash potatoes or green beans (possibly the only two food items she doesn’t like)
13)      She hates elevators and will always take the stairs
14)      She a service girl and has been able to participate in some pretty cool services mission’s which have taken her to Ecuador and Thailand.
15)      She is a very optimistic person which is a good balance for us because I am just the opposite
16)      Yes we have switched places and she failed my history test and I re-payed her by taking her English college placement test.
17)      We get to laugh together at all the “dumb” twin questions we get
18)       She is a dark chocolate fan
19)      She gives the best advice and has always been there for me
20)      She is my best friend
21)      Today she is 21. Happy Birthday Linds! I sure do love you!

Life is all about how you handle plan B

Okay, here is my secret: My life has been one unpredictable story being titled with tears, laughter, new plans, dreams, unexpected surprises, accomplishments, and disappointments. Yes, I know life is not perfect nor will mine ever be but sometimes I just wish I knew what was around the next corner. I guess that sense of preparedness would kind of be a nice factor. But then again a sense of adventure never hurt anybody either. So, this blog will share my adventures as I make sense of my life, become my own best friend by exploring new opportunities, trying new things and discovering myself. Life is a constant unexpected plan that likes to change frequently so this is me handling plan B with everything it has to offer! Enjoy reading. This is me, all me in a nutt shell.